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Messages - avalon098

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Re: Hi From Avalon098
« on: June 14, 2012, 03:20:34 AM »
I guess I looked around and saw a lot of people with wives.......but I should have made sure they liked having a wife I guess because the first one didn't work out.....should have skipped her and kept playing.

New member introductions / Hi From Avalon098
« on: June 13, 2012, 06:54:04 PM »
Well I used to play UO non stop for years and well then I found I like to have a wife more so I had to stop and go find one :) Well now I have one and three kids and three dogs........ so I need some me time to get away and I have found UO again.

Once I came back to UO I realized wow its a lot harder to get things done when you are only playing for a few hours a week. Well its still a fun game.

I also use to want to be a programmer in my younger days and even went to school for it .... until I got tired of tring to find the one comma I missed in the code.

So I look forward to learning some coding tricks with this site and hopefully over time I can learn enough to help out other nobs when they atart out.

Thanks in advanced for all the help I will be begging for later. Great site by the way.

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