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Topics - Melisande

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Hello
« on: February 06, 2015, 06:23:03 AM »
Hi at all,

My name is Melisande and i am now 32 years old. I am working as an butcher in a buchery here in town.
In my free time i love it to drive realy fast cars or bikes. My biggest dream is to drive in an Formula 1 car for one round.
So if anybody knows someone who have an F1 car for rent pls let me know.
Also a nice thing is to play UO.

I was playing UO for four years on an freeshard bevor i have a break the last three years.
Now i am back again since a few days and i love it like the fist time.

On this freeshard the most likely was to play an PK and this is the target i have now again.
All my chars and gear is gone but i will start again.

nice greats Meli

PS: i hope its better now - english is not my fist sry

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