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Messages - SunTigress

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 53
Off Topic / Re: Time Travel
« on: June 27, 2010, 07:26:02 AM »
These are things that interest and fascinate me. It's amazing how far we've come in such a short time especially in the last 100 years...

Technology is compounding in on itself and growing exponentially.

I just finished my World Archaeology class, and a line in my book really made me stop and ponder....

"65 million years ago, dinosaurs went extinct. 2.6 MYA we found the first stone tools. 800,000 years ago was the first evidence for fire. The Pyramids were built 2,625 BC. It took millions of years to get from the first signs of bipedal evolution to fire, and only a few thousand to get from fire to putting a man on the moon."

Cool Links! / Re: I read about this years ago. Now it's here. :)
« on: June 26, 2010, 12:36:21 PM »
The info was a little vague in many areas.  I am thinking that they where reporting on something that they did not fully understand!

as it goes with most reporters

Off Topic / Laughed so hard I cried!
« on: June 26, 2010, 06:04:50 AM »

almost peed a little too

Off Topic / What Happens When TM Yells At Me!
« on: June 26, 2010, 06:00:31 AM »

Off Topic / Re: Time Travel
« on: June 26, 2010, 05:22:45 AM »
Back to middle ages. Granted, people smelled, but can you imagine!?
 "Doctor, I'm sick."
"Well then let's just bleed you a little and you will be fine!"

Off Topic / Re: Psycological or Real??
« on: June 25, 2010, 11:52:26 AM »
Congrats brother, and to you ST, for putting up with him while he quits!!!

Thanks Paul. He's actually doing very well.

New member introductions / Re: LOL Girls love to script too!
« on: June 24, 2010, 05:58:28 AM »
.50 sniper rifle at 2km range.  Equalize that.

*sigh* a man after my heart!  ;)

Off Topic / Re: Great collection of Vent stuff
« on: June 20, 2010, 06:39:38 PM »
Dear God! It sounds like Coragin was in that Vent!

Off Topic / Re: Someone please explain this one to me...
« on: June 18, 2010, 08:04:51 AM »
It's illegal to pierce an animals ears, yet completely legal to pierce the ears of an infant. Animals protected above humans?

she was convicted of one misdemeanor count and one summary count of animal cruelty, her lawyer argued that parents allow children to get piercings, so why should kittens have a higher level of protection?

Basically they are saying it's OK to be cruel to infants, but not to animals.

My father is a vet. He's pierced animals ears a few times.

This lady with a rottweiler wanted the dogs ear pierced so people would know it was a girl, and gave my dad a bag of earring and told him to use whichever. My dad, trying to be nice, picked the biggest diamond in the bag so you could see it. After the fact, the lady let the dog outside, it shook its head, and the $4,000 diamond earring was lost in the grass. Ohh well.

I think the differences are:
1) he is a vet, not a groomer
2) he wasn't putting huge gauges on tiny kittens. A small stud would not have hurt that kitten, but the gauge actually was pulling the ear down
3) the neck is ridiculous

General UO Chat / Re: Tameable Bane Dragons
« on: June 15, 2010, 06:55:21 AM »
what is this blackrock stew all about?

Gold Farming / Re: crameeps - AutoKill Script Digressed :-)
« on: June 14, 2010, 12:57:49 PM »
Its odd that he says he could do a google search and find the script anyway.  I did a google search and didn't find anywhere to download it other than scriptuo.  Seems like its a typical post from these guys: Thanks for the script about a script they don't have the ability to download.  Anyone know why these oddballs all post similar thank yous?

I was wondering the same think Paul. I just figured it was on EUO or something.

Off Topic / Re: Someone please explain this one to me...
« on: June 13, 2010, 06:11:21 AM »
how in the world do you get it caught in a door?  ???

Off Topic / Re: Someone please explain this one to me...
« on: June 12, 2010, 09:38:58 AM »

Off Topic / Re: Someone please explain this one to me...
« on: June 12, 2010, 08:04:00 AM »
The belly button was nothing just pushing through alot of fat and a few nerves but the rook is all cartlidge and a lot of nerves.  Now i believe the nipple was all nerve endlings OUCH !!!

indeed, i believe the nipple would hurt like an sob, but ripping my bellybutton out on some carpet while wrestling with my boyfriend did not feel very nice either :(

Off Topic / Re: Someone please explain this one to me...
« on: June 11, 2010, 03:13:21 PM »
I agree with what was said earlier. If she doesn't want them, she can take them out when she makes that decision.

Well I pierced both my daughters before they where 4 months old and niether flinched so i would asume its not abuse and they felt little pain just from this info.  I have pierced 3 holes in my ears and 1 in my nipple and will concur that ear piercing has little to no pain when compared to what i felt to get my nipple pierced :)

I have 6 piercings in my left ear, and I can say, the rook hurt worse than my tongue and my bellybutton.

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