Endless Nights' Script Library / Re: ENs - Subs - Buff/Debuff Bar Subs. (oEUO & EUO)
« on: July 03, 2016, 08:54:11 PM »
was writing a script to control a second client was planning on using buff bar icons to monitor the condition of the slave client. I am having an issue though. Take this simplified version of a healing script.
Code: [Select]
if #hits < 90
call scanbuffbar
if _Healing_ in %BuffBarIconNames
msg healing$
wait 10
goto top
event macro 58
wait 20
goto top
It will run fine on the first pass but if I damage myself again it seems to not detect the healing icon any longer. It will simply try to bandage me over and over. What am I doing wrong here? I feel like monitoring bandage status via buffbar is by far the most reliable method I just seem to be hung up on this.