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Messages - Glifious

Pages: [1]
Wow, Thank you soooo much! It works perfectly for me now. Was perfect before, just not for this server. Thanks again!

Where would I be able to adjust the time to stay invis/hidden? I searched through the script but to be honest I don't know much about scripting. On UoG Demise it takes 16.50 seconds for the target to become un-discordanced while hidden. Any help would greatly be appreciated. I just can't seem to find it. Thank you!

New member introductions / Re: My Introduction
« on: June 09, 2012, 03:59:39 AM »
Thanks everyone. Happy to be here!

New member introductions / Re: My Introduction
« on: June 07, 2012, 04:34:23 AM »
Thank you! Glad to be here.

New member introductions / My Introduction
« on: June 07, 2012, 03:42:28 AM »
Hey everyone, my name is Mahlon and I've been playing Ultima Online for about 12 years now. I used to play on Atlantic up until a little after SE and also used to play UOGamers Hybrid a lot. I now play on UOGamers Demise as I enjoy AoS/SE, just not the Trammel part. ;) I love to pvp. I've always mainly played a tank mage for pvp whether it be pre-AoS or AoS+. I would still play OSI but the whole gargoyle thing really throws me off. I personally think that EA started to ruin the game, but that's just my own opinion and that's why I stick with the AoS era.

My real passion in life is to finish my cartoon that I've recently been working on. Maybe you will all see it on TV someday. In between UO, the cartoon, taking care of my kids/wife, I also love to work on older Honda cars. I have a 1987 Honda Civic Wagovan and to me it's one of the coolest cars out there. (Don't judge me, lol)

The reason I came to this site is because I'm making a thief to start stealing scrolls and maybe start a crafter for once in my 12 year UO career. So I figured why not find some scripts. I searched and found ScriptUO. I searched through the forums and to me this seems like a really great site with some nice and helpful members. Anyway, that's a little bit about me, hope you all enjoyed reading my Intro.

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