Hello all, I will post my introduction now. I am ikea/that guy, I have been playing UO on and off for about 20 years. Recently came back from a bit over a 5 year break. I play freeshards, currently experimenting with various of them. I have participated in every part of the game over my time, but I am a PvPer first and foremost. I dont particularly need or want scripts in that regard, I am more than capable. However I could really use some crafting/farming assistance, so that is what I am here for. I started watching my relatives play UO when I was around 4,5,6....around 6 I got to start playing on their accounts. I had my first character on Catskills, I finally got around 70-75 skills[besides resist ofcourse lol] and my relatives needed their char slot on catskills, so I had to delete my character, and start over on Pacific and Great Lakes. I remember going to fight another great hart after starting to gain some skill, and it killed me...straight whooped my ass. I ressed and went back for my stuff, and it kept re-flagging me. This great hart reskilled me over and over and I couldnt get my body, that was my first real memory of UO that I still have. Years later I started on UOGamers hybrid, and played for years, with a break here or there. Now I am server shopping but awaiting the new UOGamers server which is Hybrid 2.0. For the first probably 8 years I played the game every single character of mine had hiding lol. Thanks for the work you guys put in here, hopefully its of some use in meeting my goals, Id like to get into that elite section. Back on new UOG hybrid 3.0 and ive lost access to my original account, so heres my intro again. Forgot password emails never come. Would like access, thank you.