I will try to post some DVD decrypt software that is freeware this weekend. I use a ton of it all the time. the only down side of the free ware is you will need 1 program to rip it another to decrypt it and another to re decode it back later if you wish to place it on a DVD again later. There is lots of the software out there though. Also on the MP3Rocket ultima it is awesome is it not you can do anythign from ripping stuff stright from the net to watch live shows on it stright from the net. A big plus if you are bilingual and wish to get channels from other countries live 
Thanks Massacre for the MP3 rocket...what a keeper that is. I've already 'gone to town' with it.... (Dune Deleted Scenes & Scareface Deleted Scenes)
School started this week for me so I have less time to dabble but I should still have some free time here and there to mess around with the DVD editing. Afterall I'm only going half time.

All the 'free' editing software I downloaded ended up not being free afterall. Free...another four letter word. I must have installed and unistalled 4 or 5 programs.
I started messing around with Windows Movie Maker Live but all the files were in .vob and I'm thinking if I wanted to create my own trailer from a movie it would be best to work in .AVI or .MPEG format. Correct? There are so many formats it's hard to keep track of them all.
I might invest in a second hard drive 2T or external hard drive and then buy a program to decode and store movies on etc.
What would you all suggest for storage? An external or Internal Hard Drivel? Would a 2nd Internal HD make this running faster smoother with RAID if my primary hard drive is getting low on disk space?
Also if I was to purchase a DVD Program what would you suggest? Is there one that does it all?
AnyDvD plus CloneDVD I'll have to check out....