Author Topic: From A Warm Place  (Read 957 times)

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Offline leroyvanstetTopic starter

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From A Warm Place
« on: April 20, 2012, 08:24:50 AM »

Im Leroy, tinker tailor smith and imbuer, first of Skara Brae on Sonoma and Baja back when no one knew what moonstones were and having a newb clothing suit was worth the effort, now back to the game after nearly a decade and residing in Malas on Atlantic (I like bumping elbows with others). I spend most of my time re-exploring the world, I find that once I work my way across the map I remember something from my earlier days that brings me back to the beginning. I'm not too taken with the current world Arc, but I missed enough in my absence that I've still got plenty of catching up to do in dungeons and such. What's old to many is still brand new to me. And I realize I didn't explore as much as I should have back in the day, I guess the fear of losing my wares to PK kept me by the brit bank. But I was a tailor/thief, having a blast stealing and crafting armor, so I couldn't really do much outside of town and the moon glow bull spawn anyway. I used my brother's Dexxer toon (we shared the account) whenever we wanted to go red hunting.

Now I also play a Sampire Swords and a Whammy Thrower, a RP poet-thief, a Mystic Mage, a Treasure Barder and a Fisherman Drunk, all for the tram side of things (aside from the thief). My house is in a constant state of construction (one of the main reasons I play UO), I don't think I've ever been able to use my raised garden beds for a full plant cycle.

I'm web designer who enjoys coding front and back end, so this seems up my alley. In my free time I'm often crafting goods and crafting sites at the same time. But I'm also keen on basketball, my bearded dragon, the tropical weather and strong rum. I've dunked on three continents, visited four. I registered my first ISBN at 17, won a collegiate award for poetry a few years later, partied with sub-Saharan royalty, rode bikes around Versailles while on uppers, been to a bullfight on amateur night, and I've been beaten up by the police of a major European city for some mayhem that happened during world cup (That was another lifetime. I don't even like soccer).

One time a pickpocket stole a man's camera and I saw them both running down an alley towards me, down a hill, the man screaming "stop him stop him!" in his native tongue, and I hesitated for a second, I could have tripped the pickpocket because it was a cobblestone road and he would have gone sprawling into the street, I could have saved the day -- I was twice the size of this guy, and I could see that he was on some terror-level endorphine kick and was not looking forward to meeting me at the bottom of the road -- but I hesitated, and he ran by me and down into the night, and the man jogged by my yelling "why didnt you do anything" in his native tongue, and I had to shout to him as he was running down into the night crying for help, that I was on my way to see the new Superman movie. But when I said it my friends, who didn't understand the native tongue, asked me what had happened, what they had said, and I couldn't tell them the truth, they were men of action, they would have stepped in had they known, and so I told them that they, too, were going to the movie, but were late for their screening.

I'm looking to do more fun stuff in the world and UO, creating time where I can.

Thanks for having me, I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone.

- Leroy.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2012, 08:54:23 AM by leroyvanstet »
