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Sub MWinc_Sleep; Gosub Mwinc_Sleep (Minutes)Namespace PushNamespace Local I_love_Da_Boobiesset !Minutes %1set !Sleep_Timer 60000 * !Minutesset !Wait_Timer ( ( !Minutes * 60 * 20 ) + 40 )Event Sleep !Sleep_TimerWait !Wait_TimerNamespace PopReturn
Whatever You do, Do not Run a Client Swapping Saluter While you attempt to sleep a client. If you Perform an In game macro on a client that's sleeping, it will actually crash.
Exactly what Crome said. Otherwise its still an Excellent Tool for Keeping your CPU down on Logged out Clients. I kept having crashes on some miners and Couldn't figure it out for the life of me. It was because of the Universal Saluter I was running to keep some other Scripts Logged in.