I use this little script when I'm unloading all the junk from the chests I fish up. It's specialized for Alexandria where I used to play, but you can adapt/add to it really easy.
Just stand next to a stack of containers, run the script and target the chest you want to empty.
You'll need to set 3 variables:
set %scroll_secure XXYYZZ1
set %reagent_secure XXYYZZ2
set %gem_secure XXYYZZ3
You can make these the same box if you want, but I recommend separate secured chests for each.
set %scroll_secure XXYYZZ1
set %reagent_secure XXYYZZ2
set %gem_secure XXYYZZ3
display ok Target the container you want to unload.
until #TARGCURS = 0
set %fromcont #LTARGETID
set #LOBJECTID %fromcont
event macro 17 0
gosub GumpWait container_gump NULL
contpos 750 330
wait 30
; mage spells
gosub DragToSecure %fromcont %scroll_secure NXL_QXL_PXL_AYL_ZXL_CYL_BYL_WXL
gosub DragToSecure %fromcont %scroll_secure VXL_YXL_XXL_IYL_HYL_KYL_JYL_EYL
gosub DragToSecure %fromcont %scroll_secure DYL_GYL_FYL_STL_RTL_UTL_TTL_OTL
gosub DragToSecure %fromcont %scroll_secure NTL_QTL_PTL_AUL_ZTL_CUL_BUL_WTL
gosub DragToSecure %fromcont %scroll_secure VTL_YTL_XTL_IUL_HUL_KUL_JUL_EUL
gosub DragToSecure %fromcont %scroll_secure DUL_GUL_FUL_QUL_PUL_SUL_RUL_MUL
gosub DragToSecure %fromcont %scroll_secure LUL_OUL_NUL_YUL_XUL_AVL_ZUL_UUL
gosub DragToSecure %fromcont %scroll_secure TUL_WUL_VUL_GVL_FVL_IVL_HVL_CVL
; mage regs
gosub DragToSecure %fromcont %reagent_secure WZF_JZF_JUF_RZF_SZF_KZF_MZF_KUF
; necro regs
gosub DragToSecure %fromcont %reagent_secure YZF_TZF_DUF_IUF_UZF
; wire spools
gosub DragToSecure %fromcont %gem_secure XEJ_OEJ_NEJ_YEJ
; gemstones
gosub DragToSecure %fromcont %gem_secure UVF_NVF_RVF_HVF_EVF_BVF_VVF_GVF_ZVF
sub DragToSecure
set %from %1
set %secure %2
set %items %3
finditem %secure G_2
if #FINDKIND = -1
return N/A
finditem %items C_ , %from
if #FINDKIND <> -1
exevent drag #FINDID #FINDSTACK
wait 10
exevent dropc %secure
wait 10
goto DragToSecure_loop1
; %1 = GumpWait
; %2 = Gumpname 1
; %3 = Gumpname 2
sub GumpWait
wait 10
set %timedelay #SCNT
if #CONTNAME = %1 || #CONTNAME = %2
if #SCNT > %timedelay + 7
goto loopwait1