The example code works great, and I've read the PDF in whole, very helpful in understanding all the tools and buttons to the scripts, but perhaps I wasn't very clear. When I use the TM_RD and save the filename and label, I like to look at the saved file in the default save location, c:\. Then using either notepad or getdiz, have a look at what was written, what is being read, and what changes are applied when I save the same rail and group label but with a different option enabled/disabled, i.e. 'use event pathfind'. I do have a reason to my madness
, and it'd be helpful to be able to read for myself what was saved. Easily enough though, I can read the X Y coordinates in the saved file, but the symbols pre and post those points are what's causing my dilemma.
Although I have been a little thick headed over things
in the past with things, am I way off base here as well and what you are saying is indeed what I'm looking for? Or is it something probably not possible? Thanks in advance TM, much appreciated.