This is a tailor trainer that I put together six months or so ago and forgot to post up. There are actually two scripts you need to run side by side. The Cutter Upper can be run in a separate window, there are no global variables. I recommend starting the cutter first, but it probably doesn't matter what order you start the scripts. Just don't wait too long after starting the main script to start the cutter.
Script has been tested on weaver bought cloth, cut from bolts into whatever the square piles are. Try not to feed it different colored stuff and don't leave reward cloth in your secure as it doesn't have settings to differentiate cloth types.
I have not run this in a while. Please let me know if you run into any issues.
*Update 8/23/2010*
I updated the item progression to correct gump clicks on oil cloth thrown off by the addition of some gargoyle items.
*Update 12/05/2014*
I fixed a mistake where I had hard-coded the ID for my secure in the max weight, and increased the wait times from one twentieth of a second to half a second. I think most people never hit max weight, so it was a rare issue, but probably a show stopper. I am looking at replacing the cutter with a routine to use a recycle bag. Will post that up if I decide to put that in.