; Script Name: Mwinc. Trapped Box Maker
; Author: Mwinc
; Version: 1.0
; Client Tested with: Baja
; EUO version tested with: 166
; Shard OSI / FS:
; Revision Date:
; Purpose: Prevent Para Spamming
1. MWSubs.Txt Must be Saved into the same folder as your EASYUO Program
2. Must Either Be Human or Have at least 20 Carpentry
3. At Least 1 Tinker Tool on you
4. A Secure With Regular Boards, Iron Ingots, and Bolts
5. A Trash Can Within 2 Tiles
6. Containers Within 2 tiles that you wish to fill
7. 100 Magery
8. 100% LRC
Set %Secure to the ID for your Secure Container.
This Script will fill as many chests as you would like, all you have to do is Enter the TYPES For the chests you wish to have filled and it will run until all within reach are filled.
With that Said, set %Chest_Types to the TYPES for the Chests you wish to fill.
If you don't know what a TYPE or an ID is, you should probably look at some tutorials here or at easyuo.