Minerador by Jack StuardVersion 1.0.0
This script will recall mining spots, find the right place to use the shovel
and when heavy, it will recall to home, smelt the ore and store it in a chest.
It will refill your backpack with shovels, getting from a container inside the first chest.
Requisites:- A house with a chest and a forge.
- Two runebooks, one for recalling home (rune must be in the first position) and other with 16 runespots
- Chest should contain another container (crate for ex)
- 100% LRC suit
Variables to configure:%runebookHome your home runebook ID
%runebookSpots runebook spots ID
%chestId chest ID where all ingots will be stored
%forgeId forge ID
%shovelContainer the container ID that's inside the chest
%workPosX the character X position near forge and chest, use #CHARPOSX (using easyuo)
%workPosY Y position near forge and chest, use #CHARPOSY
This script was tested on RunUO servers, so I'm not sure it it will work on OSI.
If you have any question, let me know.