Yeah I'm the same way lol.
I just wrote a lot of subs that I have found really to be kinda universal to a lot of my scripts. Then some scripts have part, and the others have part, so I gota open em all up and pull the prewritten subs to use in the new script. It just seems to be a repeating process for me as of late lol.
It just hit me tonight that It COULD be easier. Heck I could make it easier on myself by having a txt file with my universal subs and just copy & paste it each time, but I think i'd have a lot unused depending on the type of script.
I think it's just that i've been working again with Solidworks and I created a bunch of new file templates so I don't have to set a buncha settings and stuff each time. Thought it would be cool for users to create and populate a library of their own for script development, either their own subs, or the vast variety of public bullet proof subs that are prewritten.
I got side tracked with my late projects because of sickness & work. Now that I'm spending a buncha time at work I wanted to script mining again. Well I had this crazy idea I wanted to do and decided to find the last version of my miner I started a long time back and modify it lol. I read through it and decided the container/gump wait sub was too long, so I used my newest one, the recall sub was junk, so I used your recall handling routines, the scanjournal was before I knew about #jindex, so that had to go, the crafting subs I improved on etc. So I started having to pull all those subs from my other scripts to get em lol.
If anyones interested in what I'm doing I'm revamping my old recall miner I started a long time back on UOC. I'm just keeping the miner the same overall but reading through it and improving a LOT. I can only imagine what 12x had to change with it when he took over it haha, I saw so many weird things I did! So I made basic improvements like #jindex usage, TM's recall subs, got rid of unneeded gotos and did while/repeat loops for the most part. Things were running good and I got sick of the no metal to mine message after digging a vein dry. So I went to a cave and learned how the 8x8 resource grids worked and coded it that once it digs a vein dry, it ignores all other tiles in that 8x8 resource square for that cycle (Once it moves to the next rune location, it resets that temp ignore list). It's REALLY sped it up a LOT and I'm extremely happy. I don't want to post the script publicly cause I'm not making a fancy menu and all, just wanted it for personal use but I'm going to forward it to 12x if he wants to see what I did on the resource gridpart if he hasent done so yet that way he can throw it in his.
But really the main reason I'm editing it is because I'm going to have it mine all day while I work/sleep. There will be a hourly timer where it recalls to luna and grabs the cloth/iron bods, then logs out and gets the bods for the remaining 5 characters. Once it gets the other bods it'll log back on and mine! It's a crazy weird thing I have going on which is exactly why I'm not posting it haha. I'm sure ppl would go to try it and be like hey wtf is all these other settings! But I can't wait to come home to a crap pile of ingots, and a buncha bods to fill and try my luck on
Let's see how long till I get banned again though LOL.
PS: sorry for writing so much. I get sidetracked a LOT.